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Exam Cram Courses

Did you finish your prelicensing course a while back and never sat for the exam?  Or maybe you had the misfortune of not using Upward Bound for your prelicensing?  Our Exam Cram course might be exactly what you're looking for if you feel like you need a little more help to be prepared to pass the state insurance exam. 

[Please note: If you are currently taking an Upward Bound prelicensing course or have recently completed one, do NOT purchase an Exam Cram course. There is NO need for you to take an Exam Cram course as all of the same content is part of your prelicensing course.]

The first video below is a general overview of how our Exam Cram courses work. Then next, we have actual modules taken from our Exam Cram courses that you can actually try out to see if you might be interested in purchasing an Exam Cram course.

Exam Cram Overview

Exam Cram - Personal Auto (Section I)

Exam Cram - Taxation of Life Insurance & Annuities